Here is a link to a video on focus groups in refrence to advertiseing. We looked at this to see what sort of questions we should adopt in order to get as much out of the focus group as possible.
This is a video of the focus group which we filmed on my phone. After showing the group our video and giveing out hand outs showing the poster and the digipak designs.
Thease are questions we could asked our group and my evauation of there responce.
What is your opinion of the bands style?
We recieved a positive response to this as the audience saw the bands style as being alternative and indie rock. This is what we whanted there style to be. So this was very sucseeful.
What did you like about the video?
The majority of the group seemed to faver the the danceing aspect compared to the narative and performance. I think this is due to the quickly cut movement and colours combination. Also the after effects had mixed reviews, this seemes it may come down to personal taste.
What don't you like about the video?
There was critism of our lead singer lip syncing to the words of the song. I this this was simply due to that he did not lern the words carefully enough. There was also critisism to the to the attarctivness of the band on whevere they wetre good lookin enough but this was debated through the group on whever it adds to there style and charcter. This is what we wanted as we did not want to casta gerneruically good looking band, playing generic music. This supports are more alternative artist as opposed to a more mainstream one.
What elements do you think we could improve in the Campaign?
The poster and digipack was not as well recived as we would of liked. The main ctrisism was on the poster butr agin seeing as this very much is personal prefrence it was debated though the group. If we had to redesign our poster and digipak we would make it much more simple and streamline.
Was the Narrative clear in the Music Video, if not why?
The group wanted more shots and explination of the narrative. Unfortnatly on the day we didnt get all the shots we wanted to get meening the narrative is not aswell construted as we would have liked.Meaning the group did not fully understand what was happening.
Did you pick up any messages or hidden meanings?
The only message that we wished to convay was that the kiss symbolised the change in video. Most of the audience got this meaning, understanding it well.
Would you buy this album?
The marity said they would have to see more of there song to fully commite to buying the full album. This is understandable seeing as people ussually dont buy a full album for one song. But it does meen that the video and camiagne was a sucsee in promoteing the band and its awareness.
Could you see this band at a major festival (Reading), and why?
People aggred that they could easilly see this band at music festival. This is postive as we have tryed to develope a band that would apeal to festuival goers.
Does the Star image suit the band's style?
The group seemed to agree that the star image was not too forced like it may be seen in more mainstream pop culture. This is what we tryed to do as it is very in line to the genre.
Would this video appeal your friends?
The group seemed to think trhat this video would appeal to there friends. This is a good thing as the band can rely on thre fans word of mouth spreading there popularity.